
Reimbursement Solutions, LLC

Your mission is our mission.

Solutions for your healthcare reimbursement challenges.


Providing reimbursement assistance to healthcare organizations since 1997.

Based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Springfield, Illinois, our firm specializes in a multitude of reimbursement strategies for small and large hospital systems, home health organizations, hospice, rural health clinics, and critcial access hospitals.

Our consultants have been practicing healthcare financial management for decades…

Get in touch with us to set up a consultation, or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to enquire whether our services are right for you.




5959 South Sherwood Forest Blvd, Suite 1

Baton Rouge, LA 70816

7000 Piper Glen Ave, Suite D

Springfield, Il 62711


thomas.curtis@fmolhs.org - President
(225) 999-3866

alicia.broussard@fmolhs.org - Vice President

(225) 765-8779


Services Provided

Medicare and medicaid Cost Reporting

Proforma & Acquisitions

Litigation support

Uncomponsated care filings

Medicare disprOportionate share

Medicare Bad debts


Let's Talk.

Contact Tom Curtis at 217-416-9910 or use the form below to contact us regarding your healthcare reimbursement needs and issues. You may also email us to make an appointment.